
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Irrigation, the best Permaculture methods.

The most important method is keyline land design, developed by PA Yeomans, where you design swales(on contour - level ditches), to sink the most possible water into the earth, plants and trees design a whole system using waters resources most efficiently, polyculture over monoculture crops, terraces, permaculture design, forest gardens, huglekulture (using wood compost), compost, sheet mulching, rain water catchment, closed loop aquaponic systems, water food systems can be 10 times more productive than land based agriculture. Ram pumps use no electricity but gravity instead and can pump 24/7 uphill, a huge saving over time of resources. This is only partial list. Observation, careful consideration of needs and resources are unique to each location are considered over a year to understand better the climate, topography, sun exposure, wind direction, etc. Only limited by imagination, design with nature and use resources wisely.

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